Bombing Tools By ToolGround

Use for fun purpose only!

ToolGround Bomber

Disclaimer: Our online bombing tools are strictly for prank purposes. Always use them responsibly and with consent. Respect others and avoid causing harm or distress.

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What is sms and call bomber?

An SMS and call bomber refers to software or tools designed to inundate a person's phone with a large volume of unwanted text messages (SMS) or phone calls. These attacks are often carried out for harassment, disruption, or prank purposes. The goal is to disturb the target's inbox and make it difficult for them to use their phone normally for a short period. Implementing protective measures, such as anti-bomber tools and number blocking, can help mitigate the impact of such attacks.

How does sms and call bomber works?

SMS and call bombers typically work by automating the sending of a high volume of text messages (SMS) or phone calls to a target. These attacks can overload the recipient's inbox or phone, causing disruption and inconvenience. The individuals who perform such activities have control over the automation and can stop when needed. Additionally, websites offering such tools often have automated stop features to ensure they do not harm the recipient.

Things you should know

How to Stop Bombing: Ending Prank Messages Safely

Prank messaging can be a fun way to engage with friends, but it's crucial to know how to stop when the situation calls for it. When both you and your friend agree it's time to end the bombing, follow these steps for a smooth and prompt termination:

  • Locate the "Stop" button on the bombing page.
  • Click the "Stop" button, clearly visible below the countdown.
  • Our system will promptly cease the bombing process, but please note that it may take up to 2 minutes to fully stop.
  • Remain calm and patient while waiting for the bombing to halt.
  • Once the bombing has ceased, our system will provide an alert and automatically redirect you back to the home page.

Remember, it's essential to respect your friend's boundaries and stop the bombing when requested. By following these simple steps, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable prank experience for everyone involved.